
In the beginning of the 1990's, numerous shaft bearing damages, especially in aft stern tube bearing, were reported. The main reasons of bearing damages were estimated that hull deflections have been increased by more flexible hulls and propeller dynamic loads have not been considered in shaft alignment. After that time, studies to take into account hull deflections in shaft alignment have been actively carried out, but for the latter leave much to be desired. In this study, the effects of the propeller forces on the propeller shaft bearing have been investigated by estimating thrust eccentricity as reasonable as possible although some assumptions to simulate turning of ship were introduced. Three dimensional nominal wake to estimate thrust eccentricity have been calculated by using CFD analysis and model test in the towing tank. This study presents the procedure to estimate the propeller eccentric forces and their influence on the stern tube bearing for a container carrier. As a result, it has been found that the lateral propeller forces in turning condition should be considered in shaft alignment to prevent shaft bearing damages.

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