
Results of the ecological and geochemical investigation of soils, vegetation and water resources of Sumy city environment are considered in this paper. The aim of scientific investigation is definition of the main peculiarities of heavy metals distribution in some environmental objects (soils, vegetation and water resources) of Sumy city. Special attention was payed to investigation of regularities of heavy metals distribution in “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” affected area. Concentration of chemical elements in samples was determined by classical geochemical and modern methods on mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in the M.P. Semenenko Institute of geochemistry, mineralogy and ore formation of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine. Based on an analysis of the total indicator of pollution were defined that the level of soil’s pollution in the central part of the city is lower then average values. They have following association - Pb (3,4) > Cr (2,9) > Cu (2,2) > Ni (2,1) > Co (1,8). Soils in the “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” main building affected area are characterized by middle (moderately hazardous) level of pollution, but soils near slurry tanks have high (hazardous) level of pollution with heavy metals. Also the technogenic geochemical associations of heavy metals were defined, and the main sources of pollution, which determine toxic elements accumulation in the components of environment, were investigated. Activity of “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” during many years led to changes in natural distribution of heavy metals in all investigated objects of environment. In technogenically polluted areas (territory of “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.”) the concentration of heavy metals in ash of Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski increases significantly compared with the natural values. In surface water of Psel river in “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” affected area the content of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr, V is much higher then in outside water objects. This investigation proves that the processes of metamorphism of the surface waters horizons in the affected area of “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” slurry tanks took place. Analysis of tailings showed that they are characterized by high concentration of many chemical elements, especially high values are typical for V, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. As the result of geochemical investigations were defined that high concentration of these elements are specific for soils and surface water in the affected area of “Sumyteploenergo Ltd”. Conclusions and their analysis of this investigation give the main representation of peculiarities of heavy metals pollution in different industrial areas of urban territory. In the study area some industrial zones were defined, which are characterized by special chemical elements pollution and peculiarities of their distribution. Investigation of environmental objects showed the strong relations between specializing of industrial production and defined geochemical associations of chemical elements and their distribution. This important not only for determination the main sources of heavy metals, but for environmental protection activities. Investigation of heavy metals distribution peculiarities in soils, vegetation and surface waters gives abilities for determination anomalous fields and making prognosis of ecological risks.


  • Results of the ecological and geochemical investigation of soils, vegetation and water resources of Sumy city environment are considered in this paper

  • Special attention was payed to investigation of regularities of heavy metals distribution in “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” affected area

  • In surface water of Psel river in “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” affected area the content of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr, V is much higher in outside water objects. This investigation proves that the processes of metamorphism of the surface waters horizons in the affected area of “Sumyteploenergo Ltd.” slurry tanks took place

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Територія зони впливу золошлаковідвалу

1. Асоціації важких металів у ґрунтах зони впливу ТОВ «Сумитеплоенерго» та сумарні показники забруднення. З’ясувалося, що на техногенно забруднених ділянках (територія ТОВ «Сумитеплоенерго») вмісти важких металів у золі рослин удвічі–втричі більші порівняно із фоновою ділянкою Псел у районі ТОВ «Сумитеплоенерго» і на фоновій ділянці Що в поверхневих водах зони впливу цього підприємства значно підвищується вміст таких важких металів відносно фонових значень: Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr, V. Псел у зоні впливу ТОВ «Сумитеплоенерго» та на фоновій ділянці, мг/л. Зола і шлак тут характеризуються значною концентрацією багатьох хімічних елементів, особливо високі значення характерні для V, Cr, Cu, Pb і Zn. Як показали дослідження, підвищені концентрації цих елементів характерні для ґрунтів і природних вод техногенно забруднених територій у зоні впливу згаданого підприємства

Zn Sn
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