
This paper aims to analyze Timberlake Wertenbaker's New Anatomies in terms of Gilles Deleuze's and Felix Guattari's theories, such as the concepts of writing machine, difference and repetition, nomadism, hybridity, transversality, exploring how Isabelle Eberhardt traverses the threshold of ”becoming other” via sexual anarchy and textual anarchy to open up lines of flight, to generate the unceasing mapping of territorialization/deterritorialization/reterritorialization. Arguably, New Anatomies attests once again a brave new anatomy of the contingencies of becoming in Wertenbaker's poetics of translation, adaptation, and transcreation, her metatheatrical politics in terms of a minor use of language, a way of deterritorializing language that leads to the indeterminate, unfinalizing agon between sexual/cultural hybridity and transversality, as well as subjective/textual diversity and dissemination.

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