
The article presents the experience of using models of public service organization in the European community. The analysis of the most widespread models of public service in Europe is carried out on the basis of the presented material. The general tendencies of the presented models development of public service are also revealed. The possibility of using the experience of organizing models of public service in countries with the search for the optimal model of organization of government, including Ukraine is examined. The article presents the key characteristics of the public service organization, which are reflected in the corresponding model – a systematized set of conditions and characteristics of the public service, which reveals its organizational and functional features. The article clarifies and summarizes the presented models of public service, outlines the characteristics of classical, mixed and new models of civil service. The classic models of public service – career, job and mixed are described in detail. Special attention is given to «new models of public service» (modernization, transitory, model of new public service, postmodern model). In practice none of the countries of the European Community today has one or another model of public service in its purest form. The article analyses of each separate model of public service, and it is concluded that elements of public service of the listed countries only gravitate to any one model and, as a rule, combine elements of others. Current trends in public service reform indicate the convergence, mutual enrichment and interpenetration of different models of civil service in the European environment. Particular emphasis is put on the influence of a number of factors, such as (the peculiarity of the historical development of the state, the specifics of the legal system, the form of government, political regime), and so on. The author shows that there are a number of closely studied models of public service: the modernization model, which is based on «society-oriented service»; a transient model of public service, the hallmark of which is «self-centred service»; models of the new public service; postmodern model of public service or as it is abbreviated as Post – MPS. It should be noted that there is a widespread influence of a mixed model of public service, which is characterized by the existence within the personnel system of a certain list of positions with its own specific regime of career organization and access to public service. Key words: public service models; public service; European community; new public service model.

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