
Aim. To present a clinical case of glaucoma development against the background of optic disc drusen (ODD), demonstrating the difficulties of differential diagnosis between such nosologies as glaucomatous optic neuropathy, optic disc swelling, and chronic optic neuropathy caused by ODD. Methods. Patient S., 72 years old, was referred to clinic with suspected optic disc swelling, initial senile cataract of both eyes. The patient underwent additional investigations: Maklakov tonometry registered an increase of intraocular pressure level exceeding permissible norm; perimetry which has revealed narrowing of visual field boundaries in both eyes; ß-scan ultrasonography has visualized morphological changes with highly reflective drusen in both eyes; optical coherence tomography of optic nerve and ganglion cell layer revealed decrease in nerve fiber layer thickness on nasal side. For differential diagnosis, the patient underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain, according to which intracranial pathology was excluded. Results. Using modern diagnostic methods it was possible to establish clinical diagnosis: newly detected primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) III b, explicit ODD, initial senile cataract, pseudoexfoliation syndrome grade 2. Hypotensive regimen did not result in target pressure; therefore, the patient was prescribed surgical treatment (microinvasive non-penetrating deep sclerectomy on both eyes). Conclusion. The presented clinical case showed that against the background of ODD creating the picture of pseudo-swelling and masking the changes in optic nerve because of glaucoma process, the patient had POAG in far-advanced stage. MRI of the brain, as well as additional ophthalmological investigations using modern technologies, made it possible to establish correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy for this nosology. Key words: optic disc drusen; primary open-angle glaucoma; perimetry; optical coherence tomography.

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