
The subject of the article is to examine the functions of laughter in a process of communication. Laughter breaks communication, making impossible its continuation. This is possible due to the fact that laughter opens a deeper ontological level in the reported information and demonstrates that ontological characteristics of the subject are incompatible with such forms of discourse. The effect of incompatibility is laughable on the sensual level and on the level of communication laughter interrupts the discourse. This function of laughter is the basis of satire, the purpose of which is to uncover the ontological inconsistency of certain artificially imposed cultural forms. To do something funny in the sphere of ideology means thereby to expose the ontological claim of the ideological forms. Taking away the ontological status of a phenomenon means converting it into nothing. In art and in everyday fields nothing is traditionally presented as death. Laughter is able to expose nothing in the place of being in these areas due to the fact that he realizes a similar function in the field of communication.

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