
Language acquisition as the communication tool is the main condition for coherent speech development of a preschooler. Communication in the preschool age has the immediate nature. Oral speech includes many possibilities for the formation of coherent speech consisting not of the separate, irrelevant sentences but presenting the coherent statement: story, announcement, description. The ability to create various types of texts is one of the requirements specified by the state educational standards of preschool education to the level of preschoolers’ speech development as the interaction of language and thinking takes place just on the level of text that is the actual oral communication unit. The authors analyzed the problem of speech development of preschool age children and the development of the coherent descriptive statement of early preschool age children in particular. The authors revealed the content of the notions of “text”, “description”, “coherent statement”, and “coherent descriptive speech” from the perspective of linguistic and psychological approaches, pointed out the text functional and ontological features that determine it as the result of speech-creative process, as well as the text verbal, syntactic, and semantic parameters from the point of view of an object and a subject of oral communication. The paper presents the characteristics of description as one of the forms of coherent monolog and analyzes the existing in the literature approaches to the development of the coherent descriptive statement of preschoolers of different age groups. The authors specified the content of work with children when teaching them description based on the linguistic characteristics of descriptive text distinguishing the preparatory, the principal and the final stages of work and suggested the methodology of teaching description for early preschool children and the methods of work at each stage.

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