
Commercial banks should pay considerable attention to the efficiency of the process of attracting funds from individuals and legal entities, thus creating all the conditions for increasing and optimizing the deposit portfolio and maintaining competitive positions in the banking market, as deposits are an important source of financial resources. In this direction, it is necessary to study the issue of deposit portfolio management, determine its optimal structure, the peculiarities of the impact of deposit operations on the financial stability of the bank. The question of finding out the basic tools of deposit portfolio management and finding ways to increase its efficiency remains debatable. In order to study the current state of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank, the article analyzes its composition and structure in terms of individuals and legal entities, examines the annual growth rate of both total deposits and in terms of depositors; the general dynamics of the volume of deposits is investigated and the reasons that caused it are noted; the dynamics of deposits on the basis of the term of use of deposits is considered, the relationship between their individual types and their growth rates are studied. Based on the calculation of the system of coefficients such as the ratio of the deposit base, the ratio of the term deposit base, the ratio of funds of individuals and legal entities and the ratio of the use of deposits, the efficiency of the deposit portfolio formation is investigated. The assessment of the deposit portfolio management was carried out according to the results of the analysis of risk ratios, profitability and quality of the deposit portfolio of a commercial bank. In order to assess the bank's deposit policy, financial ratios were calculated, on the basis of which conclusions were made about its type, degree of reliability and profitability. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions were made on the orientation of the bank's deposit portfolio management in the short term and the presence of significant risks in the activities of the institution; the directions of optimization of the deposit portfolio and increase of efficiency of deposit activity of a commercial bank are outlined.

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