
The general articulation of the issue. The dominance of resource- and energy-intensive industries and technologies, raw material export orientation and excessive concentration of production in the industrial regions of Ukraine has resulted in the structure of economic development management, which is generally inefficient and environmentally dangerous. In this context, promoting the formation of renewable energy requires appropriate state support instruments to achieve the national and global goals.The analysis of the recent publications. The Ukrainian scholars M. Kuzmina, N. Malysh, S. Moskalenko, M. Pypiak, O. Stoian studied the state regulation of the sphere of alternative energy and renewable energy in particular.Identification of parts of the general problem. In order to achieve the goals of state regulation in the field of renewable energy, the competent authorities are called upon to use appropriate support tools to correct the behavior of economic entities and market results.Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to define tools to support the formation and development of renewable energy in the EU and in Ukraine in terms of integration of the energy sector of Ukraine into the European space.The key results and the background. Renewable energy in Ukraine is an important factor in the development of the national economy, which has an impact on the international dimension in improving energy security in Europe and climate change in the world.Studies of European renewable energy markets have shown that these markets are affected by special supporting instruments. In the initial stages, the relatively low investment attractiveness of required operational assistance and the use of such instruments of support as «green» tariffs, «green» allowances, «green» certificates. With the development of renewable energy technologies, the size of generation and consumption of energy from renewable energy sources, i.e. changing conditions in the RES market, support tools are also changing.Conclusions. In Ukraine, the instruments of state support for the use of energy from renewable sources have been identified as follows: «green» tariff, tax benefits, a single window of accession, simplified conditions for the construction of renewable energy facilities due to environmental impact assessment. In order to address the shortcomings in the existing instruments of support for renewable energy producers, reduce risks for investors and maintain public acceptance of renewable energy development, there is an urgent need to restructure the previously implemented support tool.The prospects of the further research include the objective to substantiate formation of the complex mechanism of development of the renewable energy field.

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