
Background: Volunteering is a widespread practice in the world and in Ukraine in particular, an integral component of any civil society and a factor contributing to its development. The growing role and importance of volunteer structures in modern Ukrainian society, especially given the urgent need to consolidate efforts in the fight against the Russian aggressor not only on the military, but also on the social, cultural, economic, political, informational, international and other frontlines, activates the interest to this phenomenon of scholars in various fields, including sociologists. Purpose: determination of the specificity of understanding the phenomenon of volunteering in modern Ukraine in the national sociological discourse. Methods: methods of theoretical scientific research, in particular – analysis of documents, works of scholars related to research issues, secondary analysis of sociological research. Results: In the sociological scientific discourse, there are different interpretations of the phenomenon of volunteerism and the essence of the volunteer movement in the context of Ukrainian realities. Among the dominant trends, we can highlight the interpretation of volunteering as a means of regulating social problems, which is especially relevant during the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, when state institutions proved unable to respond to numerous social challenges provoked by Russian aggression, starting in 2014. Another line of research is focusing on volunteering as a social activity that has its own motives, social effects, types, forms of manifestation, objective patterns of functioning, etc. Taking into account the current situation in Ukraine, the definition of volunteering as a voluntary activity of citizens or public associations, directly or indirectly related to helping the civilian population, displaced persons and military personnel affected by the military conflict, dominates today among Ukrainian sociologists. Ukraine is on the way to the formation of a civil society, which gives rise to a view of volunteering from the perspective of its benefit to society to a greater extent than the interpretation of the essence of volunteering through the personal dimension of the activities and values of its participants. Conclusion: The issue of volunteering in Ukraine is relevant for modern Ukrainian scientific discourse. Increasing interest in the study of the phenomenon of volunteerism among Ukrainian scholars is connected with the activation of the volunteer movement as a result of numerous social challenges provoked by Russia's aggression against Ukraine and, accordingly, the need to study volunteer practices as a Ukrainian phenomenon during the war. Radical transformations in Ukrainian society at the current stage give rise to the relevance of the study of the volunteer movement from the point of view of its agency. Keywords: volunteering, volunteer movement, volunteer activity.

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