
The article presents a brief history of the department of folklore and art, which began its activities in 1922 under the Society for the Study of Life, Culture and History of Bashkiria under the NK of Education, which today is an independent subdivision of the institute, and folklore is a successfully developing area of Bashkir philological science. It is noted that from the first days of the existence of the department, the active collection of folklore went in parallel with its study, and the formation of Bashkir folklore as a science took place after the creation of the Bashkir branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1951). Second half of the 20th century characterized by the appearance of the first academic works as "Bashkir Folk Art" in three volumes, the first monographs. The most fruitful period of field research is shown in 1959-1964, when folklore expeditions led by A.N. Kireev to the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Orenburg, Samara, Saratov regions and the Perm Territory, during which rich material was collected on the oral work of the Bashkirs, including the main body of the preserved priceless epic heritage of the people. The article also shows the contribution of predecessors to the creation of a rich national folklore heritage, as evidenced by the multi-volume scientific collection "Bashkir Folk Art" in the Bashkir and Russian languages, it is said about the field research of modern folklorists, their collections of expeditionary materials, contributing to the gradual replenishment of the source base of Bashkir folklore. only by identifying the works of traditional folklore that continue to exist, but also modern examples of folk art: takmaks, baits, less often proverbs and sayings. Further, it is emphasized that during the existence of the Department of Folklore and Art, monographs have been published in almost all genres of folk art, and new results of scientific research by the staff of the department are reflected in collections of scientific articles «Bashkir Folklore: Research and Materials» published periodically since 1986 (7 issues ); works of oral folk art have been translated into Russian and English, which made it possible to introduce them into international scientific circulation. It is also noted that projects on grants are regularly carried out in the department, employees actively popularize Bashkir folklore both from the stands of various scientific forums and through the media.

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