
The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of the professional competence of future physicians in the context of the impact interactive technologies on this process. It is established that the professional-and-competence training of future medical practitioners should be in accordance with the requirements of the information society, since the information processes observed in the educational process put the professional competence in the first place to be acquired by medical education.The basis of the formation of professional competence of the future physician is the knowledge and ability to diagnose diseases, treat diseases and carry out disease prevention. In the course of such a process due to the impact of acquired operational competence, cognitive competence, organizational competence, analytical competence, prognostic competence, reflective competence, communicative competence and project competence the formation of the professional competence of the future health worker originates. The formation of the professional competence of the future physician should take place, first of all, on the basis of meaningfully developed professional educational programs with the use of modern information and communication and interactive technologies in the process of providing educational activities of medical students. To enhance the knowledge, skills and professional competence of students – future medical professionals in educational-and-cognitive and future professional activities, it is advisable to use online platforms such as British Medical Journal, INgenius, Medscape, News Medical, Prometheus, Coursera, Sermo, Medtube, Epocrates, as well as electronic learning materials, electronic simulators, various multimedia programs, mobile applications.

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