
The aim of this study was the implementation and evaluation of a Health Education Programme for the prevention of smoking in secondary education students through the development and use of an interactive web page. On the one hand, evaluation was estimated in the intervention group in three phases; prior to the implementation, immediately afterwards and six months later. On the other hand, the effect of the Health Education Programme in the intervention group was compared with a control group in which students did not receive any smoking prevention activities. The variables that were measured through a self completed questionnaire were: knowledge - concerning the physical consequences of smoking, normative social influence and informative social influence -, anti-smoking attitude, intent to smoke, smoking behaviour (trial, occasional use, number of cigarettes per day) and self-esteem. Besides, the experience of students in PC use was evaluated with an appropriate questionnaire (word-processing and internet navigation), as well as the usability of application. The intervention group was constituted by 88 students of three Vocational Schools in the region of Athens, while the control group included 118 students of two Vocational Schools and one Lyceum in Athens. Data analysis revealed an increase in total knowledge but also in three subscores measuring the physical consequences of smoking, normative social influence and informative social influence, reduction of number of cigarettes per day and increase in self-esteem, while no changes were observed in the intent to smoke and anti-smoking attitude immediately afterwards the intervention. Moreover, compared to the control group, the intervention one presented higher knowledge, while no changes were observed in the attitude, intent to smoke, smoking behaviour and self-esteem. Not only in the intervention group following the intervention, but also in the control group the highest score was observed in the normative social influence knowledge items compared with informative social influence and physical consequences of smoking. The evaluation of the application on the internet showed a moderate use of word-processing and internet navigation capability, while the usability was sufficient but there is enough space for improvement. In conclusion, the health education intervention achieved its short-term aim that was the increase of knowledge but no its long-term aim that was the reduction of daily smoking. Future research in younger students, where smoking prevalence is still low, shorter duration of the intervention form that implemented in the present programme, as well as long-term evaluation of the programme, one and two years later, would allow safer extraction of conclusions on the usefulness of this programme.%%%%Ο σκοπός της παρούσας μeλέτης ήταν η eφαρμογή και αξιολόγηση eνός προγράμματος Αγωγής Υγeίας για την πρόληψη του καπνίσματος σe μαθητές δeυτeροβάθμιας eκπαίδeυσης μέσω της ανάπτυξης και χρήσης αλληλeπιδραστικής ιστοσeλίδας. Η αξιολόγηση πραγματοποιήθηκe…

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