
The first Ukrainian standard ДСТУ 4044 “Viscous petroleum road bitumens. Technical conditions” was implemented in 2002. According to its content and list of indicators, it met the level of the oil refining industry of Ukraine and the state of the road industry. In addition to conventional indicators, it included additional indicators of adhesion and mass content of paraffins. The indicator for paraffin remained unregulated, because there was neither acceptable method nor necessary equipment, and in generally an intention of manufacturers and users to apply it. The standard referred to in the article differs from the previous one by the principle of assigning indicators and their list. This is largely due to Ukraine’s accession to the European Free Trade Association and the deepening of scientific knowledge on predicting the behavior of bitumen under different conditions and their impact on the properties of asphalt concrete. Accordingly, the limits of normalization of bitumen grades on the depth of needle penetration were changed, which led to an increase in amount of grades from 4 to 5. Using the dependence of the penetration index on the softening point temperature, its new normative values are ordered. The Fraas breaking temperature provided by the standard is slightly lower than that normalized EN 12591 which is due the climatic conditions of Ukraine. The rate of adhesion of bitumen to the surface is normalized, which quantitatively characterizes the adhesion of bitumen to the mineral substrate, the least favorable for interaction. It is proposed to determine the indicators of technological aging by the RTFOT method. The standard contains additional indicators to be determined according to the harmonized European standards ДСТУ EN 12607-1 and ДСТУ EN 13302 (methods for determining the dynamic viscosity). Additional standards include equal viscous heating temperatures of bitumen in the production of asphalt mixtures and their compaction. The first is the temperature, which corresponds to a bitumen viscosity of 0.5 Pas, the second is 10 Pas. Elongation at a temperature of 0 ºC is included in the standard as a certain analogue of the breaking temperature. Based on the fact that at this time the next European standard is in the final stage before approval, the values of additional indicators can be included into this standard after adjusting their values with European ones based on the characteristics of bitumen used in Ukraine. Keywords: bitumen, depth of needle penetration, softening point temperature, adhesion, ductility, cohesion, heating.

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