
Many morphological studies of human nasal mucosa using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been reported. However, most of the reported application of SEM are limitted to secondary electron image. It is impossible to recognize histochemical components of cells and tissues using only secondary electron image of SEM. In this study, for the purpose of observing three-dimensional localization of histocytochemical components of cells and tissues, human nasal mucosa was examined with colored SEM using color displaying of secondary electron image and back-scattered electron image after staining of acid phosphatase or acid glycoconjugate.Gomori's stain containing lead permitted recognition of acid phosphatase-positive granules in back-scattered secretory cell of nasal gland with colored electron microscopy. Some secretory granules that have the similar ultrastrucure to lysosome in the secondary electron image were clearly distingushed from lysosome in the colored image.Acid glycoconjugate stained with ruthenium red was seen with good contrast and resolution in colored image. Three-dimensional localization of acid glycoconjugate was observed in glycocalyx on the surface of ciliated epithelium, secretory granules and Golgi complex of goblet cells and secretory granules of nasal glands. It is surmised that ruthenium red staining is extremely useful for observing three-dimensional localization of acid glycoconjugate in colored scanning electron microscopy.

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