
European labor law as a supranational law of the member states of the European Union is interesting to consider its "pros" and "cons", which should be taken into account when reforming Ukrainian labor legislation. The article studies the main provisions of European labor law and the dynamics of changes in European labor law. Ukrainian labor law is national, European labor law is supranational in nature and is binding on any EU member state. The competence of the EU is delimited from the competence of the Member States, the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality are applied. The EU can only act within the limits agreed by the Member States. Labor law at the national level is formed independently by the state, the EU complements national legislation, primarily on the health of workers, working conditions, protection of workers in dismissal. Initially, European labor law was conceived as one of the tools for creating a common market that promotes gradual unification, dictated by economic integration and the political context. Then the European social model began to develop through the harmonization of national legislation to which the social partners are "tied". The process is carried out through the consolidation of fundamental social rights at the EU level, as well as through the use of flexible methods aimed at the approximation of national laws. EU labor law, like Ukrainian labor law, complies with all the basic principles and provisions of international labor law. To date, Ukraine has ratified 70 The International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions. Acts of EU law have supremacy over national law. Even if a state does not bring national legislation into line with the directive, its violation can be challenged in an EU court. Judges of national courts are in some cases directly required to seek interpretation of European law in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. In the article we consider the legal regulation of major issues in the field of labor: labor protection, an employment contract, working hours, leisure time, wages, protection of personal data of employees and social partnership.

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