
The article defines the essential characteristics and structure of facilitative skills of future foreign language teachers. In modern science, there is a large number of effective approaches to teaching foreign languages, but the communicative one can be considered as the most relevant. It has been proven that successful acquisition of foreign languages through the communicative approach requires the use of modern educational technologies and facilitative skills by future foreign language teachers. The activity of a facilitator, which is successfully used in psychology, adapted and applied in the educational process, in particular in the process of teaching a foreign language, has been considered. It has been determined that the main task of a future foreign language teacher-facilitator is to convey the idea of successful language learning, individual information retrieval and personal changes that directly affect the learning process. It has been proven that facilitation of the process of learning a foreign language promotes creative assimilation of information, the formation of critical thinking and cooperation with students. In order to make facilitation successful, a foreign language teacher must have such skills as providing support for students, understanding their inner world, interaction and assistance in learning a foreign language, as well as be friendly, create the atmosphere conducive to self-education and self-expression.


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  • Rilla E., Paterson C., Manton L., &

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Такому вдалому поєднанню двох аспектів навчання сприяє фасилітація та фасилітативні вміння майбутніх учителів іноземної мови. Завдання майбутніх учителів іноземної мови полягає у сприйманні учня як суб’єкта навчальної діяльності. Ураховуючи складність процесу фасилітації, зауважимо, що розвиток педагогічної фасилітації відбувається в процесі професійної діяльності та обумовлений індивідуальними якостями майбутніх учителів іноземної мови

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