
The article is provided a scientific and theoretical analysis of trends in Ukrainian legislation in the field of agricultural cooperation. The author notes that in the Law of Ukraine of July 21, 2020 «On Agricultural Cooperation» (new Law) on the one hand, describes in detail the basics of functioning of these entities, but, on the other – its content almost completely eliminates the basic principles of agricultural cooperation established by domestic law and also contradicts the principles of the cooperative movement. There is a general negative trend in the development of legislation on agricultural cooperation. It is already traced in the Law of Ukraine of November 20, 2012 «On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On Agricultural Cooperation», that is characterized by «truncated form» (out of 38 articles, only 16 remained), significant number of reference provisions, establishing advantages for the development of agricultural service cooperation. With the adoption of the new Law, this negative trend has deepened and is in the artificial separation of agricultural cooperation from the cooperative system and the gradual loss of its social orientation. This approach is unacceptable and will negatively affect the further development not only of agricultural cooperation as a socio-legal phenomenon, but also of agricultural production and the social sphere of the countryside. Keywords: principles of agricultural cooperation, agricultural cooperative, agricultural service cooperative, agricultural industrial cooperative, agricultural cooperative which operates without profit, agricultural cooperative which operates for profit

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