
The targets of training of specialist capable to carry out after graduating from the institution of higher education the professional activities properly and in accordance with the requirements of society, now greatly enhanced the need of forming such a person, which is aimed at a thorough, appropriate solution of creative professional tasks and can perform the duties in the changable environment of organization of work, strives for self-improvement and professional growth. Obviously, there is a need to create the conditions for the for manifestation of the individuality, the establishment of a unique style of life, the formation of skills of future specialist to determine the ways of carrying out the professional activity, that is a sign of competence. Especially, these realities affect the training of future engineers-teachers.The designing of the system of pedagogical training of future engineers-teachers should be implemented by means of system integration of the active, personally oriented and competent approaches, which in their unity determine the research methodology and provide an appropriate solution to the tasks and achieve the goal.The peculiarity of the process of designing the systems of profecional training of engineering and pedagogical personnel consists in the unity of modeling of professional pedagogical competence of engineers-teachers and an appropriate training of students of the educational engineering specialties. This requires a mandatory reflection of the structure of professional competence in each of the components of the pedagogical system, such as: a purpose, a content, and technology.Based on the analysis of origin, purpose and significance of the design in technology and pedagogy teaching, we have formulated the definition of pedagogical design as activity of the development of the components of the pedagogical system and detailed, consistent, justified their presentation that defines the notion pedagogical project. Pedagogical design, as well as any other activities carried out under the certain guidelines that determine its content and sequence of action.

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