
Most researchers of socialization processes agree that the primary socialization carried out in the family is crucial. The phenomenon of the family was considered in terms of psychological, sociological, anthropological, philosophical, biological and cultural approaches. Now the question of surrogacy is being studied in terms of the psychology of the life path of the individual; as manifestations of the meaning of life, will, responsibility; as a world of the subjective, where is always something more. Many scientists pay attention to the methodology, organization, functioning of foster families; the problems of lifestyle of orphan children in general, and in particular – in a professionally foster family. Scientists have considered the motivation of the adopted child into the family and some socio-psychological characteristics of parents. However, there are almost no studies of some individual-typological features that dysfunctionally affect family relationships, although these features may be the reason for the denial of the family's ability to be a substitute. The relevance of the study is due to the need of supplement the structural and semantic components of the psychological diagnosis of potential parents in foster families. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of the Odessa Regional Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth, a territorial division of the Odessa Regional State Administration. In testing took a part about 30 applicants for foster parents. With the help of Individual-typological questionnaire LM Sobchyk (ITO) there was created an average statistical portrait of candidates for the role of parents in foster families. They are characterized by a high level of extraversion (48.6%); average level of rigidity (82.9%), aggression (54.3%), anxiety (82.9%), introversion (71.5%), lability (74.3%), sensitivity (62.9%), spontaneity (60%). All these qualities positively characterize all members of the sample and confirm their reliability as potential parents in foster families. These conclusions can be used by psychologists in the selection of candidates for the role of foster parents in foster families, as well as in psychological counseling.

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