
The study involved 186 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Women 114 (61.3 %) overnumbered men. There was used СО2 (carboxyperitoneum) to create gas environment for conducting the operation in the abdominal cavity. During preoperative and intraoperative periods the patients of the main group were used prophylactic measures program for post laparoscopic scapulohumeral pain syndrome which included a patient’s position on the operating table at the beginning and at the end of the surgical intervention, carboxyperitoneum method, insuffl ation rate and intra-abdominal pressure. The patients of the control group under went standard surgical interventions without prophylactic measures program. The main group included 96 (51.6 %) patients, the control group included 90 (48.4 %) patients. The average operating time was (55±10) minutes. 22 (22.9 %) patients of the main group and 37 (41.1 %) patients of the control group suffered from post laparoscopic scapulohumeral pain syndrome. The level of pain by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was measured as (3.5±0.3) (p 0.05) points (on the 5-point scale). The average bed day was (2.0±0.5) days. In the control group, the level of pain the patients assessed as (5.5±0.3) points by the VAS, satisfaction with treatment outcomes was (3.3±0.2) points (on the 5-point scale). The average patient day in hospital was (3.0±0.5) days. The suggested program is safe, new and prospective prophylactic method for post laparoscopic scapulohumeral pain syndrome. The use of such prophylactic measures program may improve laparoscopic interventions, shorten the post-operative rehabilitation, and improve life quality.

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