
The war, political and economic upheavals led to low investment activity, the curtailment of investment projects and the outflow of foreign investments from the Ukrainian market. In the conditions of the export of investment capital, without improvement of the investment policy and guarantees of capital security, business development and the inflow of foreign investments into Ukraine are impossible. Studying the specifics of state regulation of foreign investment activities will allow us to use the positive effects of foreign investment to improve the investment climate and develop investment infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to develop a system of measures to improve state regulation of foreign investments in Ukraine. The article examines the peculiarities of foreign investment activity in Ukraine. The scale of capital of non-residents in the economy of Ukraine is estimated. The following factors that reduce the country's investment attractiveness were identified: deployment of military operations in Ukraine; political and economic upheavals; significant withdrawal of foreign capital from the national economy; low activity of domestic investors under the influence of a number of macroeconomic factors; insufficient regulation of the investment process in Ukraine by the state; increasing internal and external debts. The shortcomings of the investment regulation system are identified: the inability of Ukraine to regulate legal relations and interests of investors with domestic legislation; ambiguous interpretation of provisions of legislative documents; a large number of regulatory acts that regulate the investment process; instability of national legislation in the field of investment; lack of guarantees of property rights of foreign investors; corruption in the investment sphere, etc. Measures to improve the regulation of foreign investments in Ukraine are proposed: harmonization of national legislation with the norms of international investment law; simplifying the procedure and shortening the terms of business registration and closing; introduction of control over the prevention of double taxation, currency exchange, admission to bank lending; providing regions with the necessary set of tools to increase investment attractiveness; decentralization of state regulation by attracting foreign investments into the economy of Ukraine. Key words: investment, foreign investment, direct foreign investment, investment infrastructure, investment climate, investment policy, state regulation.

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