
The dissertation has the title “Preventive Criminal Policy Models: The Community Crime Prevention Policy” and sets its focal point to the policy for the prevention of minor criminality. The aims of the dissertation were (a) the definition of the aim of the criminal policy, (b) the presentation of the framework for the participation of local community in crime prevention actions, and (c) the mark and formulation of a set of ideas and proposals in order to form an effective and rational criminal policy. The dissertation combines the theoretical exploration with the empirical research which took place in order to achieve an analysis and valuation of the preventive action by the Local Crime Prevention Councils of Thessaloniki. In order to achieve the first aim of the dissertation we concluded that the criminal policy is gradually turns into a plain policy of security. According to our conclusion the aim of the criminal policy should be functionary and should aim at the prevention and repression of the criminal phenomenon. The criminal policy finally should be formed and materialized through the use of strictly scientific measures. In order to achieve the second aim of the dissertation we, firstly, analyze and present the three models of crime prevention and secondly, we elaborate a framework for the participation of the local community to actions for the prevention of crime. More specifically there is an examination of (a) the target hardening model (b) the order maintenance – restoration model, and (c) the community centered crime prevention model. The critical examination and evaluation of the models lead us to the adoption of the community centered crime prevention model. The right and intrinsic function of this model will give to the local community the opportunity to determine its own aims of the local crime prevention plan, to set up priorities and to filter national strategies of crime prevention. In order to achieve the third aim of the dissertation we formulate and present a set of ideas for the formulation and elaboration of an effective and rational criminal policy. The crime prevention policy should have a prominent social character and function aiming at the decentralization and the strengthening of local authorities. The formation and function of sufficient sociopolitical frameworks for the protection and establishment of social cohesion can lead us to the formation of a crime prevention program with a great breadth. The criminal policy should be seen as a part of a broader rational and effective social policy aiming at the probing deeply the principles of democracy to local communities.%%%%Η διατριβή έχeι τίτλο «Πρότυπα Προληπτικής Αντeγκληματικής Πολιτικής: Η Συμμeτοχική Αντeγκληματική Πολιτική» και eπικeντρώνeται στην πολιτική πρόληψης της μικρής και μeσαίας βαρύτητας eγκληματικότητας. Στόχοι της eργασίας υπήρξαν: (α) ο προσδιορισμός του στόχου της αντeγκληματικής πολιτικής, (β) η παρουσίαση του πλαισίου της eμπλοκής της τοπικής κοινωνίας σe δράσeις πρόληψης του eγκλήματος μέσα από την ανάλυση των…

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