
The concept of modernization of modern higher education involves the training of qualified, competent specialists at the level of world standards. As the international practice shows, a modern specialist in any field of activity, effectively realizes their professional abilities only if they assimilate the values that have been formed by previous generations for centuries. The special role in this is played by disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, which are taught to students at NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute". They promote humanization of technical education, overcoming the narrow-faced thinking of future engineers and specialists. One of such humanitarian disciplines at the university is "Ukrainian language of professional communication". In order to improve the quality of education through the introduction of new forms, methods of training and dissemination in higher education of modern information technologies at NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", teachers of the Department of Ukrainian Language, Literature, and Culture of the Department of Linguistics introduced a distance learning course "Ukrainian language of professional communication" for bachelors in all areas of training, which allows each student to work in an individual mode under the guidance of teachers. Application of new information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process, creation, and use of modern electronic teaching aids and distance courses solve complex tasks of forming a single educational information environment. Today, integration of modern pedagogical and information technologies, their wide introduction into the educational process is very important. In the system of vocational education, issues of linguistic culture, in particular the culture of professional communication, are of particular importance. Imperfect knowledge of the Ukrainian language leads to the appearance of a significant number of typical errors, reducing the overall level of the culture of speech. An important role in mastering students’ knowledge of the course "Ukrainian language of professional communication" is given to independent work, which gradually becomes one of the leading forms. Independent work stimulates the problematic, controversial nature of learning, enhances the creative activity of students in the process of mastering professional and general education knowledge. The concept of activation, optimization, and intensification of all parts of the educational process becomes an integral part of modern didactics. Outside the classroom process, the subject is expanding the amount of material to be absorbed (both theoretical and applied), assisting in preparing for the tests and examinations in professional disciplines. Key words: Ukrainian language of professional communication, distance learning course, independent work, formation of language skills and students' skills.

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