
In the context of this dissertation, reference is made to the main factors that affect the mortality of the population. One of the most important parameters in the study is the differentiation between European social welfare systems. The first chapter analyzes the concept of mortality, in particular the main causes of death, risk factors and, at the same time, it analyzes the European social welfare systems. The second chapter uses data from the SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) study to conduct statistical data analysis. More specifically, the main variables present in the database (dataset) are presented and a first descriptive approach is performed (one-dimensional). In the third chapter, a two-dimensional analysis is performed through use of descriptive statisticals methods, where graphs, frequency tables, tests of independence and correlation measures are presented. In the fourth chapter, models of logistic regression are developed through which the effect of demographic variables, health, risky behaviors and socio-economic variables, for the various European social welfare systems, on mortality is studied. Finally, the fifth chapter summarizes the main conclusions drawn from the analysis of the available data. According to this analysis, the impact of demographic factors is confirmed, as well as of factors related to health, risky behaviors and of socio-economic factors. Of particular value is the finding that each social welfare system plays a key role in shaping the likelihood of death, as well as in the differentials by cause of death.

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