
Introduction: Staff use EP-4(0) type screening suits during work near overhead transmission lines (OTL) with the power frequency (PF) electric field (EF) permissible limit value (PLV) exceed. Staff work even at high ambient temperatures, which has an additional impact in the humans’ body functional state (FS). Scope: to study EP-4(0) type screening suit effect to human body functional state under work in sanitary protection zones of extremely high voltage OTL in the warm season. Materials and methods: In research studies of volunteers, climatic conditions were assessed. The skin and the kits’ inner surface temperature and humidity, as well as heart rate were recorded. The mean skin temperature, heat content and total moisture loss change were calculated. PF EF and magnetic fields (MF) levels hygienic assessment was carried out within the boundaries of OTL sanitary breaks. Results: Skin temperature, humidity and temperature of the kits’ inner surface values increase, as well as high level of heat content were revealed. EF and MF PF levels hygienic assessment under work at ground potential showed EF value excess up to 2 times near 500 kV and 750 kV OTL, while MF PLV were not exceeded for the entire work shift. Conclusion: Differences in human body FS indicators can be associated with the different length of OTL sanitary breaks. EF and MF PF levels hygienic assessment results require the work time restriction or EP-4(0) mandatory use.

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