
As a factor of political and military stability the UN system exerts a significant impact on the global processes associated with attempts at peacemaking, disarmament, non-proliferation and counter-terrorism. The vast majority of international legal instruments in the field of arms control and the fight against terrorism have been elaborated and adopted in the framework of the UN institutions or with their active assistance. In the future, the deliberative and negotiating UN “floors” are likely to develop new global conventions in the field of disarmament and countering terrorism. Within the context of deepening the general trend towards positive transformation of international relations this opens a window of opportunity in the sphere of improvement of treaty regimes on arms control and strengthening security through UN institutions. Over the projected period the conclusion of new treaties in this area (such as NPT, BTWC and CWC) it is still not timely. However, an effective work of the international mechanism may provide progress towards concluding agreements on new significant measures. A skillful use of the UN system tools would weaken the trend of de-regulation and erosion of military-political relations and open additional opportunities to reduce the military burden and to send the saved resources to build-up of the “soft power” (economic modernization, science and culture, enhancing ideological attractiveness). The author discusses the following directions of enhancing positive effects on the military-political processes through UN institutions: stabilization of the NPT regime and ensuring compliance enforcement of non-proliferation; actions through an international mechanism is needed to implement the goals of the CWC; opportunities to strengthen the BTWC regime through international control; on counter-terrorism activities; role of the UN in the prevention of armed conflict and peacekeeping.

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