
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic variables of the lower limbs joints and the muscle activity for lower limbs during the level and downhill running. The subjects were 6 males of twenties and required to run on the level and downhill which was -7% grade treadmill at 8.3km/h. The running performances were filmed by high speed video camera and EMG signal was gained by ME3000P8 Measurement Unit. Rectus femoris(RF), Vastus lateralis(VL), Gluteus medius(GLU), Biceps femoris(BF), gastrocnemius medial head(GM), gastrocnemius lateral head(GL), Soleus(SO), Tibialis anterior(TA) were selected. The result of this study were as follows: 1. Ankle, knee, hip joint in downhill running showed less movement than the level running but, no significant difference. 2. VL and BF during the support phase in downhill running showed Iess muscle activity than the level running. but RF showed the opposite result. 3. GM, GL, SO adn TA during the supports phase in downhill running showed less muscle activity than the level running.

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