
The article considers the issue of academic integrity at the university. The origins of dishonesty starting from the school desk and ending with higher education institutions are analyzed. It is established that excessive workload of students pushes them to use the Internet, not only as a source of knowledge, but also as a source of finished work, which is published as their own work. It is stated that the basic principles of academic integrity are honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility, courage, which must be followed by all participants in the educational process. The main violations of academic integrity are: in the field of educational activities – extortion or provocation of money, gifts, personal services in various forms of student assessment, lack of fair evaluation of plagiarized educational and qualification work, performance for payment of such work to order, forced purchase of educational and methodical literature, underestimation of grades and coercion to additional educational services and consultations, updating of equipment at the expense of students or purchase by students of various consumables, stationery; in the field of scientific research – preparation and publication of scientific, educational and methodical texts with the help of plagiarism; falsification of experimental data underlying scientific publications; inclusion in the list of authors of persons who did not make a proper contribution to the results; approval of research or dissertations on topics that have no scientific, practical, social and other significance; providing positive reviews and feedback on works that, according to their scientific results, do not deserve it; obtaining unjustified preferences in the provision of scientific and educational grants; misuse of his official position. The rights and responsibilities of each participant in the educational process in the field of compliance with the requirements of academic integrity are given. Virtue in the modern civilized world is the cornerstone that forms the foundation of the inner harmony of man, the stability of his character and the consistency of the moral image. Higher education through teaching and research actually binds this foundation with elements of academic integrity. Academic integrity must be formed from the beginning of university studies and adhere to its principles throughout the period of study. For this purpose, the documents adopted by the KhNTUSG – the Code of Honor and the Regulations on Academic Integrity of Participants in the Educational Process, and the Ethics and Professional Commission and the Commission on Academic Integrity are created. This will not only train a highly qualified specialist, but also form a highly conscious member of society. Keywords: academic integrity, university, University honor code, professional activity, highly qualified specialists.

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