
The article deals with strategic planning, which is one of the main mechanisms for ensuring the purposeful and sustainable development of the state, economy and society. The adoption of the Federal Law No. 172-FZ of 28.06.2014 "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federa-tion" in the Russian Federation marked a new stage in the formation of the state strategic planning system. The status of plans for the activities of federal executive bodies as one of the key elements of the system of strategic planning documents is considered. The practice of their preparation and implementation is analyzed, its shortcomings are studied, and possible directions for improving the current legislation in this area are proposed. The authors consider the status of plans for the activities of federal executive bodies as one of the key elements of the system of strategic planning documents. They analyze the prac-tice of their preparation and implementation, study its shortcomings, and propose all possible directions for improving the current legislation in this area. When writing the article, the authors studied the content of certain questions about strate-gic planning and the corresponding functions of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation. They revealed the problems of practical importance and proposed the methods and options for their solution. The authors used the following methods: system analysis, dialectical, logical, compara-tive-legal methods, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: – it is necessary to ensure that not only activities and tasks of a general nature are included in the adopted plans, but also their detailing in terms of the expected stages of work; – the activity plans of the federal executive authorities, which are responsible executors of strategic goals and objectives, should give an unambiguous answer to how and when the strategic guidelines defined at the federal level within the entire array of strategic planning documents will be implemented; – the introduction of a systematic approach will allow to fix the risks of non-achieving certain strategic indicators and take the necessary measures in a timely manner; – at present, the role of plans for the activities of federal executive bodies in the system of strategic planning documents is unreasonably low; – the transfer of issues of preparation and control over the achievement of relevant strate-gic indicators to the level of the executive authorities themselves, in the conditions of insuffi-cient external control over this process, in fact, led to the loss of their managerial potential, depriving the state apparatus of an important mechanism for coordinating work in the field of strategic planning; - it is necessary for the entire system of strategic planning to revise quali-tatively the role of the plans of the federal executive bodies with the transfer of authority for their approval to a higher level with a simultaneous increase in responsibility for achieving the planned indicators.

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