
Summary. Ensuring food security of Russia is one of the strategic tasks solved during sustainable social and economic development of national economy. The key role is played in this regard by processes of integration of the interfaced productions – subsystems of agro-industrial complex (agrarian and industrial complex). The modern directions of development of economic activity of the organizations of a food and agricultural profile to some extent already use integration advantages, however thus there are insufficiently balanced target interests of the interfaced participants of agro-industrial production that is directly or indirectly reflected in methods and instruments of organizational management. For mitigation of this situation and leveling of influence of factors of imbalance of management processes, it is offered to reform modern system of the business relations in agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of creation of the polycluster formations possessing the following key properties: territorial concentration of subjects; intra cluster competition; stability of economic relations; politsentrichnost; sona-pravlenny development of subjects; manifestation of a positive synergy. Considering these attributive lines of a cluster, methodological approach to creation of the agrofood polycluster formation (APF) is developed, using instruments of interindustry reengineering, in a beet sugar subsystem of agrarian and industrial complex. The aprioristic analysis and an assessment of conditions and a tendency of functioning of the interfaced participants of beet sugar production where negative consequences of the import substitution which is real threat of food security are most shown formed the basis for introduction of APF in this subsystem. As the characteristic of the content of the updated methodological approach to creation of APF the matrix of interface of target interests of subjects of a cluster in which structure are included is developed: state, cluster, sugar plants, beet-raising farms, seed-growing farms, research establishments, educational institutions, other organizations. The matrix diagonal visually shows an essence of two-uniform advantage of this type of APF: activation of processes of interface of target interests on the basis of self-development and integration of the knowledge accumulated by subjects of a cluster that in total allows to protect competitive advantages of a cluster at the intercluster level. Especially in the course of functioning of agrarian and industrial complex the assessment of pro-allowances of safety which is offered to carrying out hierarchically in the following sequence has importance: assessment of potential of ensuring industrially production safety with polycluster formation; cluster contribution assessment to achievement of industrial and production and food security.

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