
Statement of the problem. Improving the education system in Russia objectively acts as an essential part of the social policy of the state, as it influences the level and nature of social and personal life of each person, the formation of his/her conscious civic position and the formation of civil society as a whole. To date, the literature partially presents new experience in public administration of education and social partnership with the participation of education at the regional, municipal and secondary school levels. The main problems associated with the transition to public administration, in our opinion, are that there is a gap between the old institutional structure of the education system and new attempts to change educational institutions. The purpose of the article. The article is devoted to clarification of the nature of state and public administration in modern education in the context of the global goals enunciated in the “Forecast of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030” and indicators of the national project “Education” to find the means to improve administrative competence of heads of educational organizations in the field of public administration taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “PEDAGOG”. Research methodology. The research methodology is based on competence and system-activity approaches, the theory of public administration, the theory of social interaction and methods of scientific and pedagogical research: analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, and modeling. The article analyzes, systematizes and summarizes the Russian and foreign experience of public administration, identifies deficiencies in the training of heads of educational institutions for the implementation of public administration taking into account the requirements of professional standards. Theoretical and practice-oriented bases are defined for development of further professional programs (professional development and professional retraining) in KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev. Research results. Further professional programs are developed and tested for professional development of heads of educational organizations on state and public management implementation. Development of state and public cooperation on the basis of the secondary school system is to design, organize and develop the necessary institutions and forms of activity inside and outside the secondary school, in the selection of procedures for their successful functioning and development. The purpose of the further professional program “State and public management of preschool and general education organizations under transition to the Federal Education Standard and introduction of professional standards” is for students (i.e. management and teaching staff) to obtain competencies that ensure effective organization and activities of state and public administration to improve conditions for education and upbringing. Conclusion. Analyzing the results on assessment of further professional training programs for the heads of educational organizations on implementation of state and public administration, the authors come to the conclusion that their use in practice makes it possible to initiate and organize the management of an educational organization with participation of society, parents community, that provides openness, humanistic orientation, interested interaction and dialogue among the actors of the social and educational space.

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