
The paper investigated the current state of the industry of Ukraine. Analyzed key performance indicators of mechanical engineering and domestic automotive industry. The reasons of decline in production in mechanical engineering and the automotive industry. Analyzed the share of car in the country's economy. Identified aspects of internal and external automotive environment. A comparative analysis of leading automotive manufacturers. Analyzed volumes of scientific and technical works, which were carried out by enterprises to improve the competitiveness of automakers and their investment attractiveness. Determined the share of industrial enterprises, which are engaged in the introduction of innovations in production activities and implemented innovative products. A study of the sources of financing of innovative activity of industrial enterprises and analyzed the structure of the scientific and technical work. Studied foreign experience supporting the automotive manufacturer. The factors of influence on the innovative component of the domestic automotive industry. Recommendations regarding the release of the difficult situation the engineering industry and further development. The findings lies in the fact that the innovation component of mechanical engineering industry, the implementation of the target concepts of development of industry of Ukraine require government support domestic producers, which will contribute to the development of Ukrainian automobile industry. Improving the innovation component of the domestic automotive enterprises will contribute to: an increase in the enterprise of current assets, the development of industrial production, create new jobs, increase tax revenue, modernization of industrial tools, automation of jobs, increase in the number of new products, development, environmental and energy-saving resources and technologies, attraction of additional investments.

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