
“引黄入京”工程是北京市饮用水水源保障措施之一。通过对引黄工程北输水线的水源水库、调节水库以及受纳水体的水质进行监测分析,结果表明:北输水线路中,水源水库中总氮含量较高,属劣V类,硫酸盐和氯化物含量虽然未超标,但含量较高。调节水库水质很差,CODMn、CODCr、总磷、总氮、氟化物、硫酸盐、氯化物等多项指标属于劣V类。黄河水源水库、调节水库和入京受纳水体的综合污染指数分别为为2、5、3,健康总风险处于10−4数量级。调节水库和入京受纳水体水质无法满足饮用水水源的要求,会造成水源水的二次污染。 Water Diversion Project from Yellow River to Beijing is one of the safeguard measures for Beijing. The water quality of reservoirs about this diversion project was analyzed. It is observed that the source re-servoir has high content of total nitrogen, sulfate and chloride. The water quality of regulating reservoir is very poor, a number of water quality indexes, including CODMn, CODCr, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, fluoride, sulfate and chloride belongs to inferior-V class. It is also found that the Comprehensive Pollution Index of the Yellow River, regulating reservoir, receiving water reservoir is 2, 5, 3 respectively, the health risk is on 10−4 orders of magnitude. The water quality of regulating reservoir and receiving water reservoir is unsuitable to be a water resource.

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