
The article discusses the implementation of operational standards adopted in the armies of NATO member states for use in defense reform in Ukraine.The defense reform, which is being implemented inUkraine, aims to acquire the necessary level of capabilities by the defense forces to fulfill its assigned state defense tasks and to effectively respond to military threats in accordance with NATO principles and standards.In the article, based on the systematic approach, the proposals on rational planning and organization of defense reform inUkraineare substantiated, in order to increase its effectiveness.The analysis shows that in Ukraine, a certain system of implementation of the Strategic Defense Bulletin and the Defense Reform Plan of the relevant events is organized and functioning. Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of defense reform is carried out by the Committee for Reforms of the Ministry of Defense ofUkraine, which sees some miscalculations. One of the ways to eliminate them during defense reform is based on the application of the systemic approach. When planning the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the defense forces, it is necessary to systematically solve a number of specific tasks:- clearly define the constituent elements of this system of function, tasks, key parameters, quantitative and qualitative composition;- to form a functional model of the future system;- to substantiate the ways of maintenance of optimal parameters of the system and their effective adaptation to changes in the military-strategic situation.At the same time, it should be borne in mind that military management based on NATO standards is significantly different from that adopted in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, especially as regards the organizational and staff structure of their headquarters of all levels.The scale of modern military threats from the RF forces to bring the Ukrainian defense system, all its elements, to the requirements of NATO standards, for which, besides the improvement of legislation, it is recommended to improve the effectiveness of planning and organizing defense reform through targeted training of its personnel, formation in the structure of the Military Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine the relevant units (NATO's prototype – J -7) designed to develop guidance documents on the preparation and use of forces (forces).

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