
The article discusses the importance of introducing health technologies through physical education in preschool institutions. The essence of preparation of the educator of preschool institution for realization of health-preserving technologies and formation at children of a healthy way of life by means of physical culture is opened. Forms, methods and means of achieving the above goal, which must be mastered by a future educator of preschool education in the process of studying in a higher education institution of pedagogical profile. The main indicators of the child's physical health – the hardening of the body (the degree of development of the body's adaptive capabilities against adverse environmental changes); full physical development; level of motor readiness; development of physical qualities and fitness of the body. The effectiveness of hardening of children is determined by the appropriate selection of its various types (wiping, dousing with cold water, contrast dousing, walking barefoot, gargling, etc.). The key to qualitative changes is regularity, consistency, a positive attitude of the child to hardening procedures, the absence of coercion. The priority directions of physical culture and health work in the educational institution are written down. One of the important tasks of a higher education institution that trains educators for preschool education institutions is to train future professionals to implement health technologies by means of physical culture in professional activities. During the training, the teacher-educator must master various forms of work on physical education with preschool children. He must know what conditions must be created for the holistic development of the child with the implementation of health technologies, including means of physical culture.

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