
Direct broadcasting through satellite raises a great problem if it is freed the information and programs without limits and restrictions, because it carries risks to the sovereignty of the receiving state. These risks caused by broadcasting programs and information that affect the political, social, cultural, economic, and other risks that befall the receiving country. This led to a conflict between the principle of state sovereignty and the principle of freedom of information flow which is the legal basis for freedom of direct satellite broadcasting and also led to the division of states between a supporter of freedom of direct satellite broadcasting and its primacy over the principle of state sovereignty and opposition to it. This research came to shed light on this problem of an attempt to address and resolve this conflict, by presenting the issue of freedom of direct satellite broadcasting and its impact on the sovereignty of the state within the framework of the rules of public international law to clarify the principles and provisions of international agreements and covenants and decisions related to this topic, as well as a preview of Juristic views and the states’ opinion.

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