
Consulting agency PricewaterhouseCoopers has identified eight key technologies for the digital economy: the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence - the foundation for a new generation of digital resources; robotics, drones and 3D printers - devices that help transfer the capabilities of a computer to the material world; virtual reality is also augmented - technologies that combine the physical and digital worlds; blockchain and cloud computing - a new approach to basic business accounting operations. Analysis of recent research and publications. The topic of big data is still controversial, although it is being studied by specialists in various fields (economics, information technology, politics, and others). The influence of big data on social processes and business organization, in particular, was studied by Bill Franks, Victor Mayer-Schonberger, Kenneth Kukier, Eric Siegel, John Foreman and others. Publicistic materials prevail among domestic sources, but there is a lack of fundamental works in this direction. Purpose of the article. explore the essence and practical application of revolutionary digital technologies - cloud computing, big data and the Internet of things. The article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of cloud technologies, forms a model of cloud services, discusses technologies for working with big data, analyzes the results of a Tech Pro Research survey on the use of big data, and builds a technological ecosystem of the Internet of Things. Digitization is already a reality, and the penetration of the Internet and digital technologies into traditional industries has become one of the main trends in recent years and is taking place on a global scale, which allows us to talk about the digital transformation of all sectors of the economy, social life and the formation of a new economic structure - the digital economy. The practical use of digital economy technologies is a modern trend in the socio-economic life of a modern state, actively influences consumer behavior, manifests itself in mobility and the desire of companies for continuous improvement.

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