
Moral oughtness is a concept from categorical system of ethics. At the same time, this concept is often used in the ethics literature as a synonym of other concepts, such as «moral sense», «duty», «moral value» and others. It is important to conceptualize the notion «moral oughtness» because it denotes a unique element of moral system. This article presents an analysis of connotations of moral oughtness, which described in the ethics literature, as well as attempts to conceptualize this notion by the method of «contradiction», i. e. by focusing on the differences between moral oughtness and moral duty, moral necessity, free will, phronesis, etc. Based on the findings of this research moral oughtness is defined as an irrational mechanism of morality, the element of moral act. The function of this element is to move from intention to action. Moral oughtness works both when moral act committed on the basis of the duty, and when it is committed on the basis of inclination.

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