
Problem setting. Digitalization, as a defining trend today, inevitably leads to significant transformations in the system of public administration. Digital transformation in the public sector are critical important value to meet the customer needs in the digital age. The COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions have led to the rapid development of various digital technologies and tools, and to strengthen the negative socio-economic trends (poverty, unemployment, inequality, social exclusion, return of migrant workers) and led to the unusual conditions of life and work. Therefore, there is a growing need to strengthen the role of public authorities in regulating the socio-economic development of the country through broad inclusion of different segments of the population, communities and territories, in particular, taking into account current trends and opportunities for digital technology in public administration.Recent research and publications analysis. Theoretical and applied aspects of inclusive development and growth are reflected in researches by: J.Gupta, S.Klasen, R.Ranieri, R.A.Ramos, L.Winters, A.Atkinson and E.Marlier. Peculiarities and interrelation of digital development, inequality and inclusion are considered in the works of S.Rader, M.Fouwani and A.Joshua.The works of: K.Schwab, O.Karpenko, V.Namesnik, N.Savchenko, L.Fedulova, and T.Zaporozhets are devoted to the issues of digital transformation of public administration and digital development of society. Conceptual principles are defined in detail in the Concept of Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020, as well as in international reports and declarations.However, little attention is devoted to the issue of the use of digital technologies in public administration of inclusive local development to address pressing problems in Ukraine, particularly at local level.The paper objective – to substantiate the need and opportunities for the use of digital technologies in public administration of inclusive local development.The paper main body. The article substantiates the necessity and possibilities of using digital technologies in public administration of inclusive local development. In particular, are presented: the conceptual foundations of the formation of an inclusive society in the digital age, the features of the using digital technologies and ensuring digital inclusion at the national and local levels.Information, communication and digital technologies are becoming an increasingly important part of the social and economic life of the population around the world. To ensure the quality functioning of households, enterprises, communities and countries in general, it is necessary to have a developed digital infrastructure. Digital access allows people to earn a living, have social contacts, expand access to information and a variety of public services, and promote better public decision-making policies.Analyzed and defined terms such as “inclusion”, “inclusive society”, “digital inequality (exclusion, gap)”, “digital inclusion”, “rural gap”, “gender gap”. The possibilities of digital technologies and digital development are revealed, which should be aimed at increasing the efficiency of activity, economic growth, employment and improving the life quality of all citizens, including vulnerable and marginalized population categories. Is proved that the public administration system must constantly change and adapt to the digital society realities in order to ensure the diverse needs of the population.Conclusions and perspectives for further research. The research showed that digital development and digital access allow to bring services and services closer to the person (consumer), to make them more convenient and accessible, which contributes to improving the quality of life of different segments of the population. This is facilitated by the availability of broadband Internet and infrastructure, the availability of appropriate devices (computers, smartphones, routers, etc.), advanced digital skills and a desire to receive services online. Opportunities for digital participation in decision-making for the benefit of community and country development are also increasing.Public policy on digital inclusion must take into account the unique information and communication needs of all groups, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups in specific social situations, so that they can function effectively in the digital society.Prospects for further research may be to explore the possibilities of public administration in the field of digital development to strengthen the socio-economic potential of Ukraine and to reduce various types of inequalities in response to new challenges.

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