
The article explains the purpose of creating an exemplary program of the subject “Native literature (Russian)” connected with the execution of the Federal Law on Education, supporting the main aim of the core course in literature – the development of a competent reader, as well as reinforcing the cultivating function of school literary education and preserving the Russian language, literature and culture against the background of Russian multi-ethnic and multicultural society. The following objectives of the new subject acquire particular significance: perceiving literature as one of the main cultural values of the nation (which reflects its national character, history, worldview); ensuring cultural self-identification, becoming aware of the communicative and aesthetic power of the mother tongue based on the study of outstanding literary creations of the Russian culture, the culture of one’s ethnic group, world culture. The methodological background to the exemplary program rests upon the idea of an ideological nature and educational potential of the Russian literature. In creating the didactic model in question, the authors of the program used theoretical and practical research methods, as well as the cognitive and system- and activity-based approaches. The results of the research were as follows: validation of the legal and regulatory framework of the new subject and the primary goals of its study, elaboration of the principles – which are based on the system of value codes shared by the whole nation’s cultural tradition – according to which the contents and structure of the course are selected. The article demonstrates what distinguishes “Native literature (Russian)” from the school subject “Literature”, how each of the three content branches of the program contributes to the development of subject knowledge and skills from grade to grade, why this or that recommended literary work is included in the topic-issue units, and which forms of the final subject assessment are most preferable. The exemplary program of the subject contributes to solving the issue of national and cultural identity and understanding what role the Russian literature plays in becoming aware of the national traits of the Russian culture. It also fosters the comprehension of cultural concepts that are crucial for the Russian national consciousness and the development of one’s ability to transform his/her reflections on works of native literature into personal convictions and positive values.

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