
We consider a special area of didactics – teaching and upbringing of children with disabilities by means of ballroom dance. We define the development specifics of children with disabilities from the positions of pedagogical approaches such as axiological, cultural, social, individual, activity, system, personal-activity, innovative. They are the theoretical basis and determine the strategy for solving current problems in the system of teaching and upbringing of children with disabilities by means of ballroom dance. We also identify tasks that solve the problems of the development of children with disabilities by means of ballroom dance. The study arouses interest in methodic materials from the developed adapted educational program “Basics of ballroom dance for children with disabilities” in the ballroom dance team “Kaleidoscope”, in Psychological and Pedagogical Support and Correction Center “Harmony” Tambov Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Rasskazovo, Tambov Region.

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