
The transnationalization of world economic relations is one of the most pressing trends in the modern world economy. The most important feature of the globalization of the world economy is the transnationalization of business and the active exit of companies beyond national borders in order to expand markets for products and make investments. The processes of transnationalization of production and capital, the institutional units of which are transnational companies, are the driving force of not only the modern world economy, but also develop in the EAEU space. Integration leads to the emergence of economic interconnection between states and contributes to the emergence and formation of new supranational economic entities - transnational corporations - transnational management structures. The processes of transnationalization in agriculture are proceeding at a slower pace, which is associated with the low investment attractiveness of this sphere of economic activity in comparison with others, such as industrial and financial spheres. However, transnational processes today affect all economic spheres and the EAEU agricultural market is no exception. The process of integrating the agri-food complex of the EAEU into the world system is possible both through the creation of joint TNCs and through the arrival of foreign TNCs in the EAEU. The main economic prerequisite for the transnationalization and internationalization of agriculture in the EAEU is the concentration and centralization of both international capital and the capital of the EAEU member states. The article is devoted to the study of the processes of transnationalization in agriculture, the specific features of the synergistic effect in the transnational production system are revealed, indicators for assessing the effectiveness of measures to manage the processes of transnationalization in agriculture are considered.

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