
In the context of the study of the problem of forming the culture of professional thinking of future teachers, the article analyses the conceptual and terminological approaches of scholars to the interpretation of the essence of key concepts. The study takes into account that the concepts of «mind», «intellect» and «thinking» are generic concepts in relation to the analyzed concepts («mental culture», «intellectual culture», «culture of thinking»), which are considered to be species-specific concepts. The article highlights the main approaches of scholars to the interpretation of the essence of the concepts of «mind» and «mental culture», «intellect» and «intellectual culture», «thinking» and «culture of thinking». The difference in the interpretation of the essence of the studied concepts, revealed on the basis of the conceptual and terminological analysis of the common and different in the approaches of scholars to their definition, is associated with the problem field of specific studies. We explain the ambiguity, identification and interpenetration of mental culture, intellectual culture and culture of thinking by the complexity, ambiguity and multidimensionality of such phenomena as mind, intelligence, and thinking. On the basis of the study, the definition of the essence of the culture of professional thinking of a teacher within the framework of our research is clarified. We consider the culture of professional thinking of a teacher as an integrated formation that characterizes the degree of development of the types of thinking of a teacher, his/her art of operating with forms of thinking and applying mental operations, individual characteristics and style of his/her thinking, the level of teacher’s mastery of the strategies of professional thinking activity, and is an indicator of the formation of his/her professional and pedagogical culture, ability to cognize and transform the phenomena of pedagogical reality. Keywords: mind, intellect, thinking, intellectual culture, mental culture, culture of thinking, culture of professional thinking of a teacher.

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