
The research was carried out by traditional methods. Species names and family volumes are by Vascular plants of Ukraine checklist (Mosyakin, Fedoronchuk, 1999), life formes are by I. G. Serebryakov (1962), areas of species were classified by A. L. Takhtadzhjan (1978). 67 species from 51 genera and 31 families of the seed plants grow in the fortress. Leading families are Rosaceae (11 species), Oleaceae (6) and Aceraceae (5 species), leading genera are Acer (5 species) and Tilia (4 species). There are 39 trees, 24 shrubs and 4 half-shrubs, so trees by 1.6 times more than shrubs. Clematis jackmannii, Rubus caesius, R. idaeus and Vinca minor are half-shrubs. The proportion of exotic species for Ukraine is 63 %. Asian and mediterranean plants are dominated among them. Plants have a variety useful properties, information about them should be used in excursion activities in the fortress. We found out ten species from IUCN Red List: three are near threatened outside Ukraine (Aesculus hippocаstanum, Juglans regia, Platycladus orientalis) and 7 species are at least concern (Betula pendula, Juniperus virginiana, Picea abies, P. pallasiana (as P. nigra subsp. pallasiana), Robinia pseudoacacia, Salix alba, Tamarix ramosissima). Also 13 species, that are spontaneous adventophytes in Ukraine were recorded, among them 12 kenophytes. Among them 4 plants are highly invasive species (Elaeagnus angustifolia, Amorpha fruticosa, Ailanthus altissima, Acer negundo) and two ones are species-transformers (Elaeagnus angustifolia and Amorpha fruticosa). Celtis occidentalis, Gleditsia triacanthos, Robinia pseudoacacia breed successfully in fortress. Distinctive feature of the Izmail fortress is small part of the spontaneus dendroflora species (7.5 %), due to the fortress located in the steppe zone.

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