
The article is devoted to a current problem of formation of vocal and jazz culture of a singer, which is considered as one of the ways of mastering the culture of different peoples, vocal drill, musical development and intercultural education of a personality. Within the research the methodology is developed for formation of vocal and jazz culture in adolescents, which can be applied at classes on pop singing in institutions of the general (in extra-curricular time) and special artistic education.The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical basis (scientific approaches and didactic principles) of the author’s technique of forming vocal and jazz culture in adolescents at classes on pop singing.The following scientific approaches have been identified as leading in the formation of the vocal and jazz culture of adolescents: system-structural (interaction of purpose, tasks, content, pedagogical conditions, forms and methods of training of adolescents); person-developing (introduction of new approaches, focused on child development, recognition of it as a subject of activity); practical (stimulation of creative abilities in adolescents and achievement of successes); competence (mastering of vocal-performing skills, knowledge and skills by adolescents and their application in the field of vocal and jazz performances); cultural (using the educational and developmental potential of cultural heritage, its integration with the personal experience of adolescents).The didactic principles of formation of vocal and jazz culture in adolescents (systematic, visual, taking into account age and individual peculiarities, unity of the artistic emotional and the technical, complex development of vocal and jazz culture) and possibilities of their realization at classes on pop singing are determined.

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