
The article is devoted to the study of the content of conditionality as a legal phenomenon in the evolution and convergence of modern concepts of legal responsibility, clarification of further guidelines for improving the content of legal responsibility through justice and effectiveness as the main attributes of the principles of legal responsibility concepts of legal responsibility in the system of general theoretical jurisprudence. The formation of the rule of law necessitates the study of the problems of determining the institution of legal responsibility, its features and principles, as this legal category demonstrates the level of legal culture of society and the general state of its legal consciousness. The issue of legal responsibility occupies one of the key places in domestic jurisprudence. However, despite a long period of comprehensive study of legal liability, many aspects of its legal nature remain controversial. Thus, justice and effectiveness as core, fundamental, main principles and principles of legal responsibility remain insufficiently equipped in terms of doctrinal support, which in a consolidated and generalized form, along with other pressing issues of the legal system create gaps, conflicts and shortcomings, thereby reducing quality and productivity of law enforcement. It is stated that the conditionality of legal responsibility serves as a leading indicator, a core indicator of the effectiveness of any legal regulation, the effectiveness of mechanisms for the functioning of the state as a manager of legal tools. Legal prescriptions on the issue of responsibility do not exist in isolation: their construction is based on the synergistic coexistence of basic principles of the institute of legal responsibility and critical issues of society, as the latter secretly determines the vectors of responsibility, its content, application, and specialization. coercion of the state. It is summarized that the retrospective of the development of both global and domestic doctrinal baggage demonstrates the diverse content of the understanding of legal responsibility, and this trend is consistently traced in a variety of temporal and territorial conditions.

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