
The article presents a cluster analysis as one of the most effective tools for shaping the priorities of investment policy of the state. Cluster analysis is a tool for systematizing the objects being analyzed, it is used in the study of the structure of sets of socio-economic indicators or objects: socio-economic systems of different levels. The study was conducted on the basis of all regions of Ukraine. As all the oblasts analyzed are participants in the state's investment policy and receive investments, not all regions are quite active in attracting investments, and therefore not all of them have sufficient investment attractiveness for investors. Therefore, the task was set to investigate which regions are attractive and what is the reason for the failures of outsider regions. For this purpose, the regions of Ukraine were clustered according to the level of their investment attractiveness. Based on the application of modern methods of cluster analysis, the efficiency of each type of economic activity in certain regions according to clusters was also evaluated. To do this, each type of economic activity of the respective cluster was analyzed separately and its relationship with the resulting indicator, ie with the volume of sales as a result, depending on the investment in this type of economic activity, was checked. There is also a cognitive map of the relationship between sales of the region and capital investment in economic activities. In order to improve the development of the state's investment policy, it is necessary to make a balanced choice of priorities that will have certain specifics for each administrative territory. The proposed methodological approach allowed us to conclude that not all types of economic activity in the case of their investment are capable of effective development. In addition, the composition of regional economic systems by type of economic activity is unique in each case. Common to all administrative territories are the problems of improving the regulatory framework, improving the investment climate in the country, simplifying the investment procedure, creating an investment-attractive image of certain economic activities, regions and the country as a whole, cooperation between government and business. Keywords: investments, cluster analysis, region, type of economic activity.

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