
Non-linear anisotropic materials were used to simulate the effects of tensile stress in 3D finite element analysis (FEA). FEA was used to calculate the effects of far and near-side pit depth and tensile stress on magnetic flux leakage (MFL) signals. The axial and radial MFL signals were depended on far and near-side double circular pit depth and on the stress, but the circumferential MFL signal was not depended on them. The axial and radial MFL signals increased with greater pit depth and applied stress, but the circumferential MFL signal was scarcely changed.ヨ⨀᠏?㌶㌮㌷〵㬅K䍄乍퐗ᘍ㔀܀㘱㐮㠴㬅K䍄乍밗ጊ缀Ѐ㘰〻Ԁ䭃䑎䴀

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