
Schemes for protecting winter wheat and spring barley crops using biological preparations for treating seeds and plants to increase their productivity are relevant research for the development of crop production. The purpose of the paper is to study the influence of technological methods when growing winter wheat and spring barley on the incidence of crop diseases and crop productivity. Methodology of the study is based on general research methods and methodological approaches certified and standardized in Ukraine. When carrying out the work, general scientific research methods were used: field, laboratory, measurement and weight, calculation and comparative methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Results of the research showed that the degree of development of diseases of winter wheat and spring barley varied depending on the use of various agrotechnological measures during cultivation. When using growth-regulating drugs, the percentage of development of powdery mildew and septoria fluctuated between 10-15%. The greatest development of diseases was in the control variant (seed protectant Funaben, 2.5 l/t) – 25% and 15%, respectively. The highest percentage of development of pyrenophorosis disease on winter wheat crops was noted in the control variant – 40%, the least development of the disease (25%) was in the variant with the complex use of the drugs Funaben + Amalgerol + Yamato + Scaba. The most harmful disease of spring barley plants in the eastern part of the northern Steppe of Ukraine is net helminthosporium. On the background of nutrition N30P30 when using biological preparations for treating seeds and plants, the development of the disease was in the range of 8-15%; on the background of nutrition with the addition of vermicompost (1 t/ha) the development of the disease was in the range of 10-18%, which corresponds to the resistance of plants against the disease . The greatest profit of 23,850 UAH/ha and profitability of 188.5% was obtained with the scheme of protecting winter wheat with Funaben+Amalgerol+Yamato+Scaba (the highest yield was obtained – 7.3 t/ha). Against the background of nutrition N30P30, the highest yield of spring barley was obtained – 5.2 t/ha, the highest profit was 14,250 UAH/ha and profitability was 121.3% with the protection scheme with Microhumin + Baikal preparations (seed treatment) (). Against the background of feeding vermicompost (1 t/ha), the highest yield of 4.3 t/ha with the complex use of Microhumin (seed treatment) + Ecostimul (spraying plants during the tillering phase) provided a net profit of 10,560 UAH/ha, profitability of 96. 5%. Conclusions. The use of biological preparations in the cultivation of cereal crops is both an ecologically safe method of protecting them from diseases and a means of increasing productivity and economic efficiency in the conditions of the eastern part of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine.

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